
Capital spending plan
Capital spending plan

Parenting plan means a plan referred to in section 119 Note proposed amendments to the revenue budget may, however, effectively amend the Capital Strategy, including the Capital Spending Plan. The table below summarises the Mayor’s draft Capital Spending Plan (CSP) to 2024-25. Set out overleaf is a summary of the Mayor’s Draft Capital Spending Plan for 2021-22 which shows the capital funding sources for the CSP in line with the format required under section 122 of the GLA Act. The Mayor’s proposed Capital Plan for MOPAC is set out in Section 9 as part of the Group-wide Capital Spending Plan and in more detail in Appendix B. It sets out a detailed Capital Spending Plan every year for the five years from 2020-21 and then an indicative high-level capital plan for a further fifteen years. Provided expert testimony before the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities regarding the Company’s proposed Capital Spending Plan, and an accompanying recovery mechanism. The remaining balance then can be compared to the proposed Capital Spending Plan. In view of OPDC’s revised plans for the development of its area, at this stage, no Capital Strategy or Capital Spending Plan can be approved for that body. The Mayor is required to prepare a Capital Spending Plan (CSP) and a long-term capital strategy every year for each of the GLA’s functional bodies.

capital spending plan

The Mayor is required to prepare a Capital Spending Plan (CSP) every year for each of the GLA’s functional bodies.

capital spending plan

Examples of Capital Spending Plan in a sentence

Capital spending plan